Additional Rituals/Offerings

“To nurture a Mother is to nourish all of Earth’s children and beyond”

Closing of the Bones Ceremony

This ceremony is designed to provide a deeply meaningful and transformational experience for Mothers. It is the creation of a sacred space and safe environment where a Mother can explore the challenges she has endured and the joys that she has enjoyed. She will gain a sense of closure (of the birth process and her bones), confidence and grounding, allowing for her to journey forward into her maternal role with a sense of calm and peace.

  • Honour your former self before your baby came earth side
  • Say goodbye to your maiden self and welcome your mother self and her array of qualities
  • Delve deep, release and journey with this beautiful and powerful ceremony.

With the use of music, words and the activation of all senses, I hold space and help you to mark this special occasion that has been lost but is so still so longed for.

“I felt so blessed and held in the sacred space Catherine had created.

I felt so nourished and loved, something I didn’t experience after my childbirth.”

What to expect:

  • Post-partum massage which concentrates on the abdomen and womb but extends to shoulders, head and feet. This method restores womb and bladder health alleviating a range of issues including painful periods, stress inconsistence, birth trauma, menopausal symptoms.
  • Binding of body at 5 points – head, shoulders, hips, knees and feet to invoke a deep sense of security and sense of being held
  • Rocking of the hips with the Mexican rebozo scarf to release tension and realign body
  • Yoga nidra (guided meditation) for deep relaxation
  • Saging of the body to cleanse energy
  • Drumming to induce deep calm
  • Herbal tea and grounding snack after while debriefing anything that wishes to be shared or heard in a sacred container.

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: £222

Additional ceremony extras:

  • Yoni steam or herbal pack for yoni healing £10
  • Freshly baked groaning cake £10
  • Post ceremony petal/candlelit bath – £15

“Even though it’s been 45yrs since I gave birth to my beautiful son, I was very excited to have the experience of this holistic healing of ‘Closing The Bones’ after childbirth.

I didn’t know about this sacred art, but I highly recommend having this experience at any time after childbirth.

To be honoured and cared for and to acknowledge the immense changes a woman has undergone in pregnancy and childbirth. Thank you”


Mother Blessing Ceremony

Everyone has heard of a baby shower but what about a Mother Blessing?

This is a ceremonial ritual for all mothers-to-be designed to create a sacred and safe environment where a mother to be can explore the challenges and joys that lie before her as she approaches birthing and mothering.

Surrounded by the most important women in her life, she gains a sense of power, feelings of being supported, held and loved that will help her to rise into motherhood.

A mother blessing is different from a baby shower because it offers a chance to come together in a spiritual setting and share in a sacred time of reflection, support and celebration that is focused solely on the mother-to-be.

The rituals are designed to raise the expectant mother’s energy for the impending labour and provide her with comfort, support and help so that she feels confident ahead of the arrival of her baby earth side.

The mother blessing is best held 4-6 weeks before the baby’s due month. Depending on how much detail you wish to include, planning can begin from 3 months before but no later than 1 month before ceremony date.

“To bless the mother is to send her through the portal to motherhood as she transitions from woman to mother with love & support”

What to expect:

  • A safe and sacred container is created to celebrate the transitioning woman to Mumma.
  • A small circle of your favourite women
  • Cleansing of energy with sage
  • Floral bath (purified water and rose petals adorned over your head, hands and feet)
  • Moment of meditation to connect to one another
  • The sharing of her vision of birth
  • Releasing of any blocks ahead of the birth
  • Sharing circle to hear the expectant mumma’s needs and wants ahead of birth
  • Embellishment of the pregnant belly with henna
  • Floral crown gifted to mumma to be as she sits in circle
  • Pampering of expectant mumma in the form of massage, hair brushing, foot bathing
  • Transformational experience for mother to be & sisters in attendance
  • Profound sense of sisterhood where magic happens
  • Blessing of the mother to be
  • Letters to baby
  • Organic feast enjoyed by all to close the circle

The aim is to honour, celebrate and bless the mother to be in a beautiful setting surrounded by a sacred circle of women so the expectant mother departs feeling ready, empowered, treasured and supported for her journey to meet her baby’s soul.

This can be expanded to create a day of it or keep it as a simple ritual.

Duration: 3 hours


From £222 for a simple, private ceremony with homemade treat and herbal tea at the end.

£555 for a circle of 6 woman plus an afternoon tea spread to close circle.

For more elaborate ceremonies please enquire.

“This is a beautiful ceremony where the ritual of celebrating the journey to Motherhood is remembered & honoured”